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Contest Registration

Please note that the contest website has been under construction. In case you have already registered, please contact us and we will provide you with a new user ID and password.
Please no abbreviations!
Street, city and zipcode.

Terms and Conditions

  1. You accept the following terms of agreement by the completion of the registration form.
    • Usage of the provided data is restricted to the Seizure Prediction Contest related to the 3rd and 4th International Workshop on Epileptic Seizure Prediction. For other purposes written consent of the Freiburg Epilepsy Research Group is necessary.
    • The names of the groups that registered for the contest are listed on a web-page of the 4th International Workshop on Epileptic Seizure Prediction. If the group participates at the contest, conference registration of at least one group member becomes necessary.
    • The data provided are to be used to optimize the algorithms. The evaluation on testing data will be done by the Organization Board of the Workshop. The deadline for submission of ready-to-apply computer programs will be published timely. If the programs are not ready-to-apply or handed in late, participation in the competition is not guaranteed.
    • The Freiburg Epilepsy Research Group provides a program that runs under Microsoft Windows and GNU-Linux for reading the raw EEG-data. This program has to be used for reading the data. The characteristics of this program can be found here.
    • We accept programs that run on GNU-Linux or Microsoft Windows. If you like to submit source code, please ensure that non-standard libraries and the makefile are included. If you prefer binaries, please include all libraries, etc. Matlab routines are also welcome. Our matlab is equipped with the following tool boxes: Wavelet, Statistics, Optimization, Image Processing, and Signal Processing. If specific routines or libraries are needed the participants have to provide them or contact us such that we can try our very best to find a solution for this problem. Optimally, you provide a computer program which needs one single agrument, i.e. the patient number. If you are not sure or if you have specific questions please contact us.
    • Algorithms should run in almost real-time on a standard personal computer (P4, 1 GB RAM).
    • Evaluation of algorithms which are handed in will be done on a first-come-first-serve basis. We will try our very best to evaluate all submitted algorithms, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee that all algorithms handed in can be evaluated prior to the Workshop. If it was impossible to evaluate some of them prior to the meeting those will not be discussed at the meeting.
    • The participants are requested to provide their desired computational power to run their program efficiently. This helps us to ensure that a large number of groups can participate.
  2. If the registration has been filled in correctly and is accepted by the Organization Board, we send a confirmation by email to the new contest participant.
  3. Further questions? Please contact us.
« February 2025 »
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